Sunday, February 22, 2009

Working at Carrefour experience

it always seem strange, every where i go work always like i am the only chinese.
The staff there say they seldom have chinese working as cashier.
thank god, i am chinese and i am put in non-halal counter.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The future of umno

lately datuk mahatir retire for umno once n for all.
I believe it is a wise move.
Only he leave ,will umno become stronger.
This is to made all umno baby to grow up.
All this while , umno survive because of his reputation .
Now he is making them to work hard for their reputation

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

last paper is coming!!! Valentine is also coming

Finally the last paper is coming!!! The last march to the fierce battle field. The last march to taste blood.
So sad.
I wondering i can date su yen or not.
i not that handsome.
Hope i manage to get her to watch movie.
May god help me.